BINST ARCHITECTS in Gazet van Antwerpen (Dutch)
Hoe dit architectenbureau al jaren zijn stempel drukt op Antwerpen: “Wij bepalen mee het uitzicht van de stad van morgen”
Hoe dit architectenbureau al jaren zijn stempel drukt op Antwerpen: “Wij bepalen mee het uitzicht van de stad van morgen”
Luc Binst and his team build “architecture of tomorrow” from his new headquarters in Luikstraat. No less than 1 million square meters of construction area is under construction, in construction sites from Het Eilandje to the Zuid, from the Scheldekaaien to Hoboken, but also from Ostend to Brussels. “Architecture à la carte, from intelligent modesty to controlled expression.”
(Text: Frank Heirman / photo: Frederik Beyens)
Bart Versluys proud of design for 81 rooms and 80 apartments. «Grandpa built old hotel Europe, I the new»
The new Europa hotel in Bredene, from Groep Versluys, will have 81 rooms. Next to it is a separate building with 80 apartments. The building permit has just been issued. “Because of my grandfather, who built the former hotel,” Europe project “is close to my heart,” says CEO Bart Versluys.
The Avenue de Tervueren in Brussels is still prestigious. 8 km long, this artery that crosses several municipalities and two regions always attracts developers and residents. “The address remains a prestigious address.
Offices: Redesigned façades Tervueren 2. Along its eight kilometers, Avenue de Tervueren also has some offices, most of which are located near Cinquantenaire or Montgomery. At the entrance of the avenue, in Merode, the building Tervueren 2 has just seen its complete renovation completed. Former office building, he keeps his assignment and has been refitted to measure for a law firm that will soon move there. “At first we had the project to transform this building which AG Insurance has owned since its construction in the 1970s into a residential project. We had organized a competition won by the Antwerp office Binst Architects “says Christophe De Man, development manager for AG Real Estate, project manager. “But the law firm came forward and we changed the project, always with the same architect.” The building underwent a major renovation. “We only kept the structure. The facade has also been modified to integrate more harmoniously with its urban environment. And in particular the old coating – architectural concrete – was replaced by stone. “