Client(s)Temporary Partnership Kolmont-Vanhout Projects
Construction siteZonhoven
Project architectEvi Bervoets
Architect teamEdwin Remmerie, Joke Verstraete, Alex De Roeck, Roxanne Delbaen, Loes De Keyzer
Partner(s)De Gouden Liniaal Architecten
Main contractorVanhout, Bouwbedrijf Keulen H.
StatusIn progress
The ‘De Kwint’ project is a competition design won by BINST ARCHITECTS and De Gouden Liniaal Architecten. The village center of Zonhoven is undergoing a core transformation with attention to a qualitative public domain. A few buildings, including the café and party hall De Kwint, will be demolished and replaced by 3 new multi-family houses with a lively plinth. They will not follow the building line of Heuvenstraat, but will be set back from the street to create a square. The new village square will be charged with all sorts of interesting collective facilities: a café, a restaurant with a catering terrace, commercial premises and a multipurpose hall. A little further on, along Heuvenstraat, there will also eventually be a district office for the police. On top of the public plinth there will be housing. The design provides for 68 pleasant, quality housing units, and aspires to a varied residential mix.
Between the village square and the Grote Eggestraat, there will be an internal thoroughfare for slow traffic.
The widened zone in the middle of this path will be charged with a traffic-free green square that will also serve as a public outdoor space for the multifunctional hall. Residents park their cars underground in a communal parking garage that also provides space for electric shared cars, private storage rooms and bicycle storage.
The materials of the new buildings were coordinated with the materials palette of the old town hall and church opposite. A color palette was composed per residential block in which the 3 multi-family houses seem to form a family but in which each building gets its own identity.
Due to the compact volume of the buildings and the favorable orientation of the various spaces, a limited energy demand is sufficient for cooling or heating. A gas connection was only provided for the kitchen of the multifunctional hall. For the rest, this is a completely fossil-free project.